Tadpole to Frog Flipbook
The incredible metamorphosis from a tadpole to a frog. All stages are shown with real cinematography, from the teeny egg to a full-grown frog.
Full color flipbook, glossy, 2" X 4"
Link to video of the Tadpole to Frog Flipbook in action!
About Flipbooks
Flipbooks are the original motion pictures, having been around for over 120 years. They don't require batteries, electricity or any power source other than a thumb, yet they create moving images based on the very same principles as movies and videos seen on IMAX, TV, computer screens, iPhones or virtually any other device you can think of. Flipbooks are small and yet so expressive.
And we've found that we are not alone. Indeed, people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities are fascinated by flipbooks. Perhaps it's their elegant, hands-on simplicity, or the way they demonstrate that "less is more," or that despite their tiny size they can convey virtually any visual style or effect. Whatever the reasons, it's clear to us that flipbooks have a universal appeal that will never go out of style.